"Over the last few decades, our culture and faith has been under a persistent attack of secularism, reinforced by the siren song of consumerism, and unbridled social media. I often hear from people how they are pulled in too many directions by relentless schedules that propel them from one activity to another without any time to simply catch their breath.
Time is of the essence; time is money; time is fleeting - the drum beat implores us to don’t stop, don’t think, don’t take time to reflect upon the ultimate or unintended consequences, instead 'just do it.'
Such an assault can’t help but have a harmful impact on people's lives. There is a very powerful tool that can, like it did for Jesus, help us navigate our way through life—ongoing prayer and reflection. Easier said than done.
But, in Paul’s letter to the Romans he says, 'do not conform yourselves to the standards of this world, but let God conform you inwardly by a complete change in your mind. Then you will be able to know the will of God, what is good and is pleasing to him and is perfect.'
I can personally attest to the power of prayer and reflection and the positive impact it has had on me. Take a few minutes to read this pamphlet and reflect upon its message and your life."