The Diocese of Pensacola-Tallahassee has been notified of an active email scam targeting pastors and parishioners from someone impersonating Bishop Wack. In the fraudulent email, the imposter, mentions the email recipient by name and asks for a favor. Please be aware that this is a scam and do not respond.
Typically, the scam is initiated when the pastor or parishioner receives an email or text message from the impersonator with a subject titled, "Many Blessings" or “Hello, How are you?” The body of the email is similar to, "How are you doing?" "I need a favor from you. Email me as soon as you get this message." Then the email is signed using the bishop or pastor’s name. Once the recipient responds, the imposter asks the parishioner to buy gift cards and to send a photo of the gift cards with the numbers revealed to them. The Bishop and our priests will not solicit donations in this way.