The annual Florida Culture of Life Conference, tookplace October 13-14th, 2023 formerly known as the State Respect Life Conference, keeps with the Church's teaching that all human life has dignity and is to be protected. The conference covered the Church’s response to societal injustices such as the death penalty, abortion, human trafficking, and climate change. The location of the conference rotates between the seven dioceses of Florida and is jointly sponsored by the State Pro-Life Coordinating Committee and the Florida Catholic Conference this year, it took place at St. Sylvester Catholic Church in Navarre Florida.
The conference serves to unite and strengthen and help form Catholics who wish to be better advocates of the life and dignity of all. It is a gathering of parishioners and school ministry leaders, volunteers, young adults, clergy, religious, and all people of goodwill who care about transforming our culture so that all life from conception to natural death is protected in law and welcomed in love. Its goals are to explain issues important to the Catholic church, highlight church teachings, promote dialogue, and inspire action.
The next event will be held at the Basilica of the National Shrine of Mary Queen of the Universe in Orlando, Fl. on October 18-19th 2024!
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