Circle of Grace is a children's safety curriculum created by the Archdiocese of Omaha. It serves the dual purpose of prevention/safety education and informing children and youth about the value of positive relationships with God and others.
Through Circle of Grace, adults assist children and youth in recognizing that each of us lives within a Circle of Grace that holds our very essence in body, mind, heart, soul and sexuality. Children and youth are taught to identify and maintain appropriate physical, emotional, spiritual and sexual boundaries; recognize when boundary violations are about to occur; and demonstrate how to take action when boundaries are threatened or violated. Circle of Grace is clinically sound and grounded in the Catholic tradition. Its strong parent component means parents can actively participate in their children's education and formation.
Circle of Grace was created by and piloted in the Archdiocese of Omaha. Since 2007, more than 70 dioceses have successfully implemented this comprehensive prevention program. Spanish translation and a Family, Faith, and Circle of Grace version is free when with the purchase of the Circle of Grace curriculum. The curricula is updated every five years.
Those adopting and using Circle of Grace call it user-friendly with an invaluable "train the trainer" component. Youth who have participated respond favorably.
God gives each of us a Circle of Grace (see below) where He is always present:
"Raise your hands above your head, then bring your outstretched arms slowly down.
Extend your arms in front of you and then behind you embrace all of the space around you slowly reach down to your feet.
Knowing that God is in this space with you. This is your Circle of Grace; you are in it."
God is Present because He desires a relationship with us.
God helps us know what belongs in our Circle of Grace
God helps us know what does not belong in our Circle of Grace
God helps us know when to ask for help from someone we trust
God wants us to talk to trusted grownups about our worries, concerns or “funny/ uncomfortable feelings” so they can help us be safe. If a parent or trusted adult is not available or unable to help us, God wants us to go to another trusted adult until we get the help we need to be safe.
Sr. Margaret Kuntz
(850) 435-3523
[email protected]
Lisa Kurnik
(850) 435-3513
[email protected]