"No methodology, no matter how well tested, can dispense with the person of the catechist in every phase of the catechetical process. The charism given him by the spirit, a solid spirituality and transparent witness of life, constitutes the soul of every method. Only his own human and Christian qualities guarantee a good use of texts and other work instruments.”
General Directory for Catechesis #156
Franciscan At Home
Catechetical Institute
Free online Faith Enrichment Courses
We are a partnering diocese so all of our parishes and school are already registered and all parishioners can take courses for free.
There are a variety of courses at your convenience:
1. FREE unlimited access
2. Designed for you
3. Lifelong learners, Parents, Mentors, Facilitators, Leaders, Pastoral Care Workers, Social Outreach and Lay Ministers, Mentors
4. Diocesan Certification Process for Catechists, Parish
Catechetical Leaders, Youth Ministers, and RCIA Ministers
Register Today!
1. Go to: https://franciscanathome.com/diocese-pensacola-tallahassee
2. Click on the bottom Blue Button
3. The Sign Up for Free Through Your Institution page will appear
4. Choose Country — United States, Diocese — Diocese of Pensacola-Tallahassee and Institution — Your Parish/School
5. Click the sign Up box at the bottom
6. Complete your personal information (look for choice of receiving emails)
7. Start your first workshop!
What are your tasks as a catechist?
In the National Directory for Catechesis directives are given.
In the General Directory for Catechesis six tasks are given.
What are you to teach?
Here’s a Basic Curriculum