Suggested Text for the Prayer at Each Parish-Mission
God our Father, I lift up to you the intentions of every parishioner here at <name of parish>. I pray for renewal and conversion throughout this community during this time of celebration in our diocese. I pray for every single person living within the parish boundaries of <name of parish>. Through an outpouring of your Holy Spirit may many souls come into deeper relationship with You. Strengthen the clergy and lay ministers here in their mission of proclaiming the Gospel. We make this prayer through Jesus Christ Our Lord. Amen.
Prayer for the Protection of Traveling Pilgrims at Beginning of the Journey
St. Michael the Archangel, protect us both body and soul from all evil and form anyone who would approach us with malicious intent. Protect us, our health and our vehicles as we travel about. St. Thomas More, inspire us through your example of steadfastness of purpose as we seek to learn from our heritage of faith, that we might extend ourselves in works of charity and mercy to better share Christ's message. St. Elizabeth Ann Seton, teach us through your example of devotion to the Word of God and the Eucharist, that we may always seek to serve those in need with kindness, patience, good sense and courtesy. God the Father, Son and Holy Spirit, guide, protect and inspire us as we seek to engage more deeply in our faith. Help us to appreciate the legacy of faith left by those who traveled these paths before us. Help us commit to ensuring that this legacy of faith, for which so many in Northwest Florida have sacrificed, will flourish and endure. In Jesus' name we pray. Amen.